Slingshot Dakota is a tough band to pin down and with "Heavy Banding" it feels like they're using that to their advantage rather than fight against it. They're over trying to adhere to industry standards and seem to have let go of chasing anyone's expectations, including their own. The record's lyrics illustrate the journey they've been on wonderfully and they finally seem to be finding peace with carving out their own space instead of trying to fit in. Which is exactly what punk rock is supposed to be about anyways, right? The simplicity of the crunchy, distorted keyboard and the punishingly heavy percussion hits harder than any hardcore band going and yet the soaring vocals are simultaneously tender and overwhelmingly powerful. The sound is undeniably unique and remarkably full for a two piece. The only shortcomings of the record seem to be the singles - "Casino Night" and "Louder", which don't quite capture the magic of the rest of the album. But they're not bad, the hooks just don't quite connect as well as previous Slingy D bangers "Doreen" or "Lewlyweds". But "Heavy Banding" is better experienced as an album than consumed in bite-sized samples anyways. Take for example "Day After Christmas", my favorite track from the record. It floored me so much that I had to listen to it immediately again after it ended, even at 6 minutes long. Give yourself the time to fully immerse yourself in the record and all of its powerful caveats, it's absolutely worth it.